Key to symbols: graduate † or undergraduate * student co-author mentored by Garrick
JENSEN EL, GAUGHRAN SJ, GARRICK RC, RUSSELLO MA, CACCONE A (2021) Demographic history and patterns of molecular evolution from whole genome sequencing in the radiation of Galápagos giant tortoises. Molecular Ecology, 30:6325-6339. [PDF]
GARRICK RC, ARANTES ÍC, STUBBS MB*, HAVILL NP (2021) Weak spatial-genetic structure in a native invasive, the southern pine beetle (Dendroctonus frontalis), across the eastern United States. PeerJ, 9:e11947. [PDF]
SATLER JD, CARSTENS BC, GARRICK RC, ESPÍNDOLA A (2021) The phylogeographic shortfall in hexapods: a lot of leg work remaining. Insect Systematics and Diversity, 5:1. [PDF]
GARRICK RC, HYSENI C†, ARANTES ÍC, ZACHOS LG, ZEE PC, OLIVER JC (2021) Is phylogeographic congruence predicted by historical habitat stability, or ecological co-associations? Insect Systematics and Diversity, 5:7. [PDF]
BURGESS SM†, GARRICK RC (2021) The effect of sampling density and study area size on landscape genetics inferences for the Mississippi slimy salamander (Plethodon mississippi). Ecology and Evolution, 11:6289–6304. [PDF]
GARRICK RC, HYSENI C†, ARANTES ÍC (2020) Efficient summary statistics for detecting lineage fusion from phylogeographic datasets. Journal of Biogeography, 47:2129–2140. [PDF]
BURGESS SM†, GARRICK RC (2020) Regional replication of landscape genetics analyses of the Mississippi slimy salamander, Plethodon mississippi. Landscape Ecology, 35:337–351. [PDF]
BARNETT ZC†, ADAMS SB, OCHS CA, GARRICK RC (2020) Crayfish populations genetically fragmented in streams impounded for 36–104 years. Freshwater Biology, 65:768–785. [PDF]
GARRICK RC, BANUSIEWICZ JD†, BURGESS S†, HYSENI C†, SYMULA RE (2019) Extending phylogeography to account for lineage fusion. Journal of Biogeography, 46:268–278. [PDF]
HYSENI C†, GARRICK RC (2019) The role of glacial-interglacial climate change in shaping the genetic structure of eastern subterranean termites in the southern Appalachian Mountains, USA. Ecology and Evolution, 9:4621–4636. [PDF]
GARRICK RC, REPPEL DK*, MORGAN JT*, BURGESS S†, HYSENI C†, WORTHINGTON RJ†, ULYSHEN MD (2019) Trophic interactions among dead-wood-dependent forest arthropods in the southern Appalachian Mountains, USA. Food Webs, 18:e00112. [PDF]
HAVILL NP, COGNATO AI, DEL-VAL E, RABAGLIA RJ, GARRICK RC (2019) New molecular tools for Dendroctonus frontalis (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae) reveal an east–west genetic subdivision of early Pleistocene origin. Insect Systematics and Diversity, 3:2. [PDF]
GARRICK RC, DICKINSON III T*, REPPEL DK*, YI RN* (2019) Two divergent genetic lineages within the Horned Passalus beetle, Odontotaenius disjunctus (Coleoptera: Passalidae): an emerging model for insect behavior, physiology, and microbiome research. Insects, 10:159. [PDF]
HYSENI C†, GARRICK RC (2019) Ecological drivers of species distributions and niche overlap for three subterranean termite species in the southern Appalachian Mountains, USA. Insects, 10:33. [PDF]
JENSEN EL, EDWARDS DL, GARRICK RC, MILLER JM, GIBBS JP, CAYOT LJ, TAPIA W, CACCONE A, RUSSELLO MA (2018) Population genomics through time provides insights into the consequences of decline and rapid demographic recovery through head-starting in a Galápagos giant tortoise. Evolutionary Applications, 11:1811–1821. [PDF]
GARRICK RC, NEWTON KE*, WORTHINGTON RJ† (2018) Cryptic diversity in the southern Appalachian Mountains: genetic data reveal that the red centipede, Scolopocryptops sexspinosus, is a species complex. Journal of Insect Conservation, 22:799–805. [PDF]
JENSEN EL, MILLER JM, EDWARDS DL, GARRICK RC, TAPIA W, CACCONE A, RUSSELLO MA (2018) Temporal mitogenomics of the Galápagos giant tortoise from Pinzón reveals potential biases in population genetic inference. Journal of Heredity, 109:631–640. [PDF]
GAUGHRAN SJ, QUINZIN MC, MILLER JM, GARRICK RC, EDWARDS DL, RUSSELLO MA, POULAKAKIS N, CIOFI C, BEHEREGARAY LB, CACCONE A (2018) Theory, practice, and conservation in the age of genomics: the Galápagos giant tortoise as a case study. Evolutionary Applications, 11:1084–1093. [PDF]
GARRICK RC, BOUGET C (2018) Chapter 25: Molecular tools for assessing saproxylic insect diversity. In: Saproxylic Insects: Diversity, Ecology and Conservation (Ulyshen MD, ed.), pp. 849–884. Zoological Monographs. Springer, Heidelberg, Germany. [PDF]
MILLER JM, QUINZIN MC, POULAKAKIS N, GIBBS JP, BEHEREGARAY LB, GARRICK RC, RUSSELLO MA, CIOFI C, EDWARDS DL, HUNTER EA, TAPIA W, RUEDA D, CARRIÓN J, VALDIVIESO AA, CACCONE A (2017) Identification of genetically important individuals of the rediscovered Floreana Galápagos giant tortoise (Chelonoidis elephantopus) provides founders for species restoration program. Scientific Reports, 7:11471. [PDF]
GARRICK RC, SABREE ZL, JAHNES BC, OLIVER JC (2017) Strong spatial-genetic congruence between a wood-feeding cockroach and its bacterial endosymbiont, across a topographically complex landscape. Journal of Biogeography, 44:1500–1511. [PDF]
ULYSHEN MD, ZACHOS LG, STIREMAN III JO, SHEEHAN TN, GARRICK RC (2017) Insights into the ecology, genetics and distribution of Lucanus elaphus Fabricius (Coleoptera: Lucanidae), North America’s giant stag beetle. Insect Conservation and Diversity, 10:331–340. [PDF]
GARRICK RC (2017) Genetic insights into family group coexistence in Cryptocercus punctulatus, a sub-social woodroach from the southern Appalachian Mountains. PeerJ, 5:e3127. [PDF]
GARRICK RC (2016) True syntopy between chromosomal races of the Cryptocercus punctulatus wood-roach species complex. Insectes Sociaux, 63:353–355. [PDF]
POULAKAKIS N, EDWARDS DL, CHIARI Y, GARRICK RC, RUSSELLO MA, BENAVIDES E, WATKINS-COLWELL GJ, GLABERMAN S, TAPIA W, GIBBS JP, CAYOT LJ, CACCONE A (2015) Description of a new Galápagos giant tortoise species (Chelonoidis; Testudines: Testudinidae) from Cerro Fatal on Santa Cruz Island. PLoS ONE, 10:e0138779. [PDF]
GARRICK RC, COLLINS BD*, YI RN*, DYER RJ, HYSENI C† (2015) Identification of eastern United States Reticulitermes termite species via PCR-RFLP, assessed using training and test data. Insects, 6:524–537. [PDF]
GARRICK RC, BONATELLI IAS, HYSENI C†, MORALES A, PELLETIER TA, PEREZ MF, RICE E, SATLER JD, SYMULA RE, THOMÉ MTC, CARSTENS BC (2015) The evolution of phylogeographic data sets. Molecular Ecology, 24:1164–1171. [PDF]
GARRICK RC, KAJDACSI B*, RUSSELLO MA, BENAVIDES E, HYSENI C†, GIBBS JP, TAPIA W, CACCONE A (2015) Naturally rare versus newly rare: demographic inferences on two timescales inform conservation of Galápagos giant tortoises. Ecology and Evolution, 5:676–694. [PDF]
GARRICK RC, BENAVIDES E, RUSSELLO MA, HYSENI C, EDWARDS DL, GIBBS JP, TAPIA W, CIOFI C, CACCONE A (2014) Lineage fusion in Galápagos giant tortoises. Molecular Ecology, 23:5276–5290. [PDF]
EDWARDS DL, GARRICK RC, TAPIA W, CACCONE A (2014) Cryptic structure and niche divergence within threatened Galápagos giant tortoises from southern Isabela Island. Conservation Genetics, 15:1357–1369. [PDF]
BULL JK, SANDS CJ, GARRICK RC, GARDNER MG, TAIT NN, BRISCOE DA, ROWELL DM, SUNNUCKS P (2013) Environmental complexity and biodiversity: the multi-layered evolutionary history of a log-dwelling velvet worm in montane temperate Australia. PLoS ONE, 8:e84559. [PDF]
GARRICK RC, NASON JD, FERNANDEZ-MANJARRES JF, DYER RJ (2013) Ecological coassociations influence species’ responses to past climatic change: an example from a Sonoran Desert bark beetle. Molecular Ecology, 22:3345–3361. [PDF]
EDWARDS DL, BENAVIDES E, GARRICK RC, GIBBS JP, RUSSELLO MA, DION KB, HYSENI C, FLANAGAN JP TAPIA W, CACCONE A (2013) The genetic legacy of Lonesome George survives: giant tortoises with Pinta Island ancestry identified in Galápagos. Biological Conservation, 157:225–228. [PDF]
SUBALUSKY AL†, GARRICK RC, SCHABLE NA, OSBORNE J, GLENN TC (2012) Development and characterization of tetranucleotide microsatellite loci for the American alligator (Alligator mississippiensis). Conservation Genetics Resources, 4:567–570. [PDF]
BENAVIDES E, RUSSELLO M, BOYER D, WIESE R, KAJDACSI B, MARQUEZ L, GARRICK RC, CACCONE A (2012) Lineage identification and genealogical relationships among captive Galápagos tortoises. Zoo Biology, 31:107–120. [PDF]
GARRICK RC, ROWELL DM, SUNNUCKS P (2012) Phylogeography of saproxylic and forest floor invertebrates from Tallaganda, south-eastern Australia. Insects, 3:270–294. [PDF]
GARRICK RC, BENAVIDES E, RUSSELLO MA, GIBBS JP, POULAKAKIS N, DION KB, HYSENI C, KAJDACSI B, MARQUEZ L, BAHAN S, CIOFI C, TAPIA W, CACCONE A (2012) Genetic rediscovery of an ‘extinct’ Galápagos giant tortoise species. Current Biology, 22:R10–R11. [PDF]
POWELL JR, DION K, AGUADÉ M, PAPACEIT M, VICARIO S, GARRICK RC (2011) Non-recombining genes in a recombination environment: The Drosophila "dot" chromosome. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 28:825–833. [PDF]
GARRICK RC (2011) Montane refuges and topographic complexity generate and maintain invertebrate biodiversity: recurring themes across space and time. Journal of Insect Conservation, 15:469–478. [PDF]
DYER RJ, NASON JD, GARRICK RC (2010) Landscape modelling of gene flow: improved power using conditional genetic distance derived from the topology of population networks. Molecular Ecology, 19:3746–3759. [PDF]
GARRICK RC, SUNNUCKS P, DYER RJ (2010) Nuclear gene phylogeography using PHASE: dealing with unresolved genotypes, lost alleles, and systematic bias in parameter estimation. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 10:118. [PDF]
GARRICK RC, CACCONE A, SUNNUCKS P (2010) Inference of population history by coupling exploratory and model-driven phylogeographic analyses. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 11:1190–1227. [PDF]
GARRICK RC, MEADOWS CA, NASON JD, COGNATO AI, DYER RJ (2009) Variable nuclear markers for a Sonoran Desert bark beetle, Araptus attenuatus Wood (Curculionidae: Scolytinae), with applications to related genera. Conservation Genetics, 10:1177–1179. [PDF]
GARRICK RC, NASON JD, MEADOWS CA, DYER RJ (2009) Not just vicariance: phylogeography of a Sonoran Desert euphorb indicates a major role of range expansion along the Baja peninsula. Molecular Ecology, 18:1916–1931. [PDF]
GARRICK RC, MEADOWS CA, NICOLAS AN, NASON JD, DYER RJ (2008) A set of polymorphic nuclear intron markers for conservation genetics and phylogeography of Euphorbia species (Pedilanthus clade). Conservation Genetics, 9:1673–1676. [PDF]
GARRICK RC, ROWELL DM, SIMMONS CS, HILLIS DM, SUNNUCKS P (2008) Fine-scale phylogeographic congruence despite demographic incongruence in two low-mobility saproxylic springtails. Evolution, 62:1103–1118. [PDF]
GARRICK RC, DYER RJ, BEHEREGARAY LB, SUNNUCKS P (2008) Babies and bathwater: a comment on the premature obituary for nested clade phylogeographical analysis. Molecular Ecology, 17:1401–1403. [PDF]
GARRICK RC, SANDS CJ, ROWELL DM, HILLIS DM, SUNNUCKS P (2007) Catchments catch all: long-term population history of a giant springtail from the southeast Australian highlands—a multigene approach. Molecular Ecology, 16:1865–1882. [PDF]
SUNNUCKS P, BLACKET MJ, TAYLOR JM, SANDS CJ, CIAVAGLIA SA, GARRICK RC, TAIT NN, ROWELL DM, PAVLOVA A (2006) A tale of two flatties: different responses of two terrestrial flatworms to past environmental climatic fluctuations at Tallaganda in montane southeastern Australia. Molecular Ecology, 15:4513–4531. [PDF]
GARRICK RC, SUNNUCKS P (2006) Development and application of three-tiered nuclear genetic markers for basal Hexapods using single-stranded conformation polymorphism coupled with targeted DNA sequencing. BMC Genetics, 7:11. [PDF]
GARRICK RC, SANDS CJ, SUNNUCKS P (2006) The use and application of phylogeography for invertebrate conservation research and planning. In: Insect Biodiversity and Dead Wood: Proceedings of a Symposium for the 22nd International Congress of Entomology (Grove SJ, Hanula JL, eds.), pp. 15–22. General Technical Report SRS-93. USDA Forest Service, Southern Research Station, Asheville, North Carolina, USA. [PDF]
GARRICK RC, SANDS CJ, ROWELL DM, TAIT NN, GREENSLADE P, SUNNUCKS P (2004) Phylogeography recapitulates topography: very fine-scale local endemism of a saproxylic ‘giant’ springtail at Tallaganda in the Great Dividing Range of south-east Australia. Molecular Ecology, 13:3329–3344. [PDF]
GARRICK RC, ORTHIA LA, JAMES EA (2003) Genetic comparison of populations of the rare Gorae Leek Orchid Prasophyllum diversiflorum Nicholls (Orchidaceae). Muelleria, 18:89–97. [PDF]
ORTHIA LA, GARRICK RC, JAMES EA (2003) Genetic comparison between Victorian and Tasmanian populations of Prasophyllum correctum D.L. Jones (Orchidaceae) suggests separate species. Muelleria, 18:79–87. [PDF]
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